Yahallo! It me, Brian Du.
I'm an award-winning screenwriter and filmmaker from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I often write unique stories that pursue AAPI representation and/or champion diversity and inclusion (and somehow usually pass the Bechdel test). I enjoy writing fiction in the realm of absurd humor/comedy with lots of non sequitur, as well. Except sometimes I don't, in which case a bunch of characters get killed off and stuff. Kidding.
I also love watching anime, reading manga/comics/graphic novels, and sharing all types of music with unsuspecting strangers. 
Some of my favorite:
Writers - Brian K. Vaughan, Marjorie Liu
Screenwriters/Filmmakers - Edgar Wright, James Gunn, Taika Waititi, Alex Garland
Content Creators - Wong Fu Productions
Composers - Hiroyuki Sawano, Ludwig Göransson, Dresage
Illustrators - Sana Takeda, Gurihiru, Lauren Tsai, Sarah Andersen,
Jessica H. Voice

Visual Artists - James Jean, Audrey Kawasaki, The Flossy Finch
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